Sunday, 20 April 2014

Wild Flower Notecards For Handmade Monday

Happy Easter all! Its been a gloriously sunny week here but its turned cold and wet today - such a shame for all the Easter egg hunts, i hope its brighter where you are...

I'm sorry i didn't write my usual Sunday post last weekend, we moved house on Monday so its been a bit of a chaotic few days! There are still towers of boxes patiently waiting to be unpacked but it a relief to know we're the other side of the deadlines and that i can work my way through them at my own pace :)

Today i've taken a 'day off' from house stuff and i've spent a pleasant few hours catching up with customer orders and of course my blog too. I don't have much to share but i did manage to list a couple of new wild flower nature notecards last week, so here they are...

Cornflower Notecard

Teasel (Thistle) Notecard

They are both available now from my Print and Paper Etsy shop.

Isn't it just so lovely to see all the spring flowers out at the moment... our new garden has tonnes of forget-me-knots which are one of my favourites, i really look forward to seeing what other lovelies appear in the borders over the next few months. What are your favourite blooms?

I'm especially looking forward to my trip around Handmade Harbour this evening having missed it last week, do join me if you can! x


  1. Beautiful pictures, I love the spring flowers too. Glad your move is all sorted now xxx

  2. Hope you settle in well to your new house! I love forget-me-nots. there are loads popped up in my garden too. Your cards look lovely. Happy Easter

    1. Aww thank you! They are so pretty aren't they, i'm glad you're enjoying some too :) x

  3. Hope you're settling in ok - it will be good to see the inspiration you get from the new garden! I love the colour wash of lots of forget-me-nots ! A new mug design maybe? !

    1. Thank you :) Hehe how did you know my mind is already whirring with new ideas! x

  4. Gorgeous flower cards x hope your move went well and was relatively stress free, good luck with settling in and unpacking x

    1. Thank you! Its amazing how long unpacking takes isn't it... i think i'll need that luck! x

  5. I am amazed that you have managed to fit in anything apart from moving house. The flower photos are lovely.

    1. Hehe yeah, it has been a bit hectic! Things are a little more settled now though and i love taking part in HM :) x

  6. Lovely flowers, I'm very impressed that you've managed to post having just moved - you must be very organised.

    1. Thank you :)

      Ha ha i'm not sure you'd be saying that if you saw the chaos i'm living in right now! :)

  7. Wishing you tons of happiness in your new home, lovely cards, cornflowers are so pretty. I have lots of forget me nots in my garden too.

    Jan x

    1. Aww thank you! They're gorgeous aren't they :) x

  8. Absolutely beautiful! Good luck with all the unpacking! Jo x


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