Sunday, 9 June 2013

Gardener's Hearts For Father's Day And A Sailing Boat Bookmark For Handmade Monday

Oh yay oh yay, Summer is here at last! We've had some gorgeous weather this week... i hope you have too!

Sailing Boat Book Mark

There are few things more lovely in life than basking in the sun with a good book... not that i've had too much time for basking this week, although i did manage to make a book mark in the spirit of such pursuits!

The design features an applique sailing boat and hand embroidered writing... here's a close up so you can read what it says!

The fabric is a linen/cotton blend on the front and pale cream linen on the reverse. I've gone for a casual, frayed edged style... i hope you like it!

I have to say i've got a tonne of bookmark ideas now and i really enjoyed creating this one so there will very likely be more to follow... what do you think...? Is there a demand for bookmarks in this age of e-readers etc? Would you buy one for yourself or as a gift?

Gardener's Hanging Hearts For Dad's

I've added to my collection of gardening themed hanging hearts this week - the first was created with Father's Day in mind...

As with all my hearts it is wool stuffed - no lavender with this one though, that could be a step too far for some Dad's i think! You'll find it in my Etsy shop priced £8.25.

Here's another, inspired by one of most favourite things to use in the kitchen... home grown herbs.

The simple pleasure of popping out from the kitchen to pic a few fragrant handfulls to add to what i'm cooking always makes me smile :) current fav, lemon thyme!

This heart does have lavender and is priced £8.50 and available now from my Etsy shop.

That's it on the making side from me for this week, but there's still excitement to come as i reveal the identity of last week's mystery flower arrangement!

Mystery Flowers...

Thank you to everyone who had a go at guessing the identity of the mystery flowers last week! Most of you though they were rape seed...

... a good guess as the fields are full of it at the moment - but not correct.

The fields around here are also full of these yellow beauties...

... buttercups snapped on this afternoon's dog walk... also very lovely, but not correct.

Here's a final close up of the mystery flowers before i put you out of your suspense - accompanied by drum roll... (has anyone guessed i've been watching Britain's Got Talent and The Voice finals this weekend! :))

They're PURPLE SPROUTING BROCCOLI! Dug up from our allotment last week as they're passed eating but put to good use decorating the table :)

If you can bare the suspense, here's another mystery flower for you...

A 'pat on the back' will go out across the airwaves to any correct guessers!

I'm off over the Handmade Harbour now for more crafting fun... i've no idea what i'll find, but its sure to be fabulous :) Care to join me?

Thank you for dropping by and have a wonderful week! x


  1. I'm enjoying the sunshine too. The bookmark is sweet.
    The yellow fields are looking really lovely at this time of year . I'm surprised at the broccoli, I never knew it looked like that :) The white flowers look like wild garlic, I love the smell of them when I come across them in some woods and hedgerows. They are beautiful flowers.

    Jan x

    1. thank you Jan!

      that is a very very god guess on the flowers :) all will be revealed next week! x

  2. I love the bookmark and yes I do think that there is a market for them - especially for the older and younger generations. Any chance of purchasing one like the one above for my Dad?

    1. thank you! I'm really glad you think there is a market, it would be a little sad to say goodbye to books :)

      oh yes definitely, this one is for sale or i could do one for you with personalised specifications... just let me know! The price is £6.50 plus 60p UK postage x

  3. Is it white allium? I have purple allium in my back garden, which was great last week. But I'm not sure, as perhaps it should be more spherical. Can I have a second guess of garlic?

    1. two good guesses!

      purple alliums are sooo gorgeous aren't they :) x

  4. I love the bookmark! I've not moved into the world of e-readers yet so I think bookmarks are still useful!

  5. love the wording on the bookmark, and yes some of us, and plenty of others, like to read 'real' books!
    Love the Garden theme hearts too <3

  6. The book mark is lovely. I love my Kindle, but there are some books that are just not suitable for an e-reader (crafting ones in particular) and a book mark is always needed. I like the hearts that you have added words to - a nice idea. Hope you have a good week.

    1. thank you!

      yes i know what you mean and sometimes with those kind of books there can be a few pages you want to mark so i guess bookmarks are here to stay :) x

  7. I still prefer good old-fashioned books that you can pick up and carry around with you to the digital versions - and I'm always buying bookmarks too - mainly because I lose them quite often ;)

    1. hehe bookmarks are easy to loose aren't they! I'm glad you're persevering with them though! :)

  8. I love the new bookmarks the wording is great. I would never have guessed the flowers came from purple sprouting broccoli. But I think this weeks flower is wild garlic. Have a lovely sunny week.
    Ali x

  9. Bookmarks are always good and that is a nice one, I like the casual frayed edge look. I think the flowers are chives or garlic!

    1. thank you, i'm glad you like it!

      oooh, some more excellent guess work...! :)

  10. Lovely bookmark, the wording is great :)

    Of course it was broccoli! seen it do that too often
    I'm another that thinks they look like garlic flowers, there are so many around at the moment and I do enjoy the smell!

    1. thank you!

      hehe :) me too, it always gives me a little surprise though when those lovely yellow flowers appear!

      another excellent guess! I love the smell of garlic too :)

  11. The bookmark is beautiful. I'm guessing wild garlic for the flowers. We had lots growing at school and I have memories of some very naughty behaviour, filing someone's desk with it! Oh, the pong!

    1. thank you Penny!

      hehe :) the joys of being a school child eh! x


Your lovely comments are much appreciated x