Sunday, 10 August 2014

New Nature Notecards For Handmade Monday

I took the chance to photograph some of my new notecards in the lovely sunshine we had earlier in the week and since then i've been getting them edited and listed online. Its not my favourite job but as long as i do it a bit at a time i don't go too crazy... Anyone else find that the amount of computer work required to run an online crafty is a bit of a drag when you'd rather be merrily creating with sewing needle/paintbrush in hand?!

New Nature Notecards

The fun bit of creating my cards is taking the photographs, i love the way the camera gives me the opportunity to share the beauty of the natural world.

I have four new cards to show you today, they are all printed on top quality 350GSM paper from a renewable source and are available to buy now from my website and Etsy shop priced £1.99 each (or £1.75 if you buy more than one).

As always, i look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments!

Wheat Field Poppies

Maple Seed Heads

Purple Flower Head

Wheat Field Pathway

That's all from me for another week, don't they fly by! I'm off for a crafty catch-up over at Handmade Harbour, see you there :) x


  1. The poppies are beautiful and perfect for remembering WWI. The weeks seem to be flying by I can't believe it's August already. Have a lovely crafty week, not too much computer work I hope.
    Ali xx

    1. Thank you! Yes they make me think of remembrance too.

      I know me neither! Thank you! x

  2. Love those poppies! Oh yes, listing on websites is such a tedious job. It can totally drive you crazy if you do too much of it! x

    1. Thank you very much Wendy! Urgh yes, i agree! x

  3. Great photos. I particularly like the poppies they always look nice in a field, blowing in the breeze.

    1. Thank you! Yes i love them, one of my fav flowers :) x

  4. The poppies are lovely -quite a harvest - autumnal look to the pictures which of course the way we are heading - quite fast as you say! I definitely find the time spent photographing and uploading more of a nuisance than a pleasure - I'd much rather be sewing or crocheting!

    1. Thank you! Yes, i don't know where the time goes!

      I'm glad i'm not the only one :) x

  5. What beautiful photographs. I love the colour of that purple flower and the poppies are perfect for this year of remembrance. Xx

  6. Lovely photos, especially the poppies (which seem to be everyone's favourite!)

    1. Thank you very much Julia! I think its my fav too :) x

  7. Beautiful photography and I love the pathway in the wheat field, the poppies are amazing too xx

  8. You are such a fabulous photographer. The poppies are beautiful. I'd want to keep the notepads for myself... xx

  9. Bit late with my comments as I've been on hols. I especially like the first picture with the wheatfield and poppies, and I think the photographs of the cards are best when they are at an angle and you can tell it is a card.

    1. Thank you! Yes i know what you mean, i like those ones too :) x


Your lovely comments are much appreciated x