Sunday, 31 August 2014

Autumn Newsletter And New Notecards For Handmade Monday

Its been a busy couple of weeks in my household with family from far and wide coming to stay. It was so lovely to catch up and i had fun getting creative in the kitchen too... anyone else have a go at ciabatta after last week's Great British Bake Off? Mine ended up being a funny shape but its tasted delicious :) Sorry no pics were taken!

I haven't got much crafting done but i did manage to get some new cards listed for sale - they're coming up in a moment but first i wanted to let you know about the latest Free Spirit Designs newsletter...

Autumn Newsletter

As regular readers may already be aware, Free Spirit Designs has a quarterly newsletter. The autumn edition is just out and as well as featuring seasonal products it contains an exclusive discount code enabling you to get 10% off throughout September!

If you would like to receive future editions straight to your email inbox, just click on the 'subscribe' button in the top left hand corner.

What do you think about newsletters...? Do you read many?

New Notecards

Now as promised, here's a peak at some of the newest Free Spirit Designs notecards. As always, they are priced £1.99 if bought individually or £1.75 if you buy two or more and are available from my website and Print and Paper shop on Etsy.

Sailing Boat Card

Squirrels And Hazelnuts, Set Of Two Cards

'Small Tortoiseshell' Butterfly Card

'Love In A Mist' Floral Notecard

I'd love to know which you like best!

After missing last week's Handmade Monday i'm really looking forward to catching up with everyone's crafty projects over at Handmade Harbour this week - see you there! x


  1. All of your cards are lovely but I love the squirrels and hazelnuts. It's a perfect card for the upcoming fall. Have a great week.

  2. I think I like the butterfly photo. I put a picture of a butterfly on my blog yesterday, but they are really hard to photograph, what with all the fluttering off and closing their wings just at the wrong moment. Rather oddly I have been embroidering a blue love-in-the-mist on a little shoe today. We seem to be in sync.

    1. Haha yes they are tricky to capture on film aren't they!

      Aww that sounds lovely, i look forward to seeing pics over on your blog :) x

  3. Your pictures are always lovely - the 'love in a mist' looks quite Christmassy in a way too!

    1. Aww thank you! Oh yes, i see what you mean, i think its the green background :) x

  4. Those photo cards are lovely, I have a bit of a thing for love in the mist and thought ours had all disappeared. I found just a few bits that had self seeded whilst I was tidying the garden up a bit in the sunshine today!

    1. Thank you! They are so pretty aren't they and the seed pods are as pretty as the flowers, i'm glad you've still got a few in your garden, hopefully more will pop up next year :) x

  5. Love all your cards, but I think the butterfly has to be my favourite. It's stunning.

    Have a lovely crafty week,

  6. Clear cut favourite here for "love in a mist", very nice:) Glad you have had a good couple of weeks;)

  7. Cute little sailing boats, but I do love the squirrel and nuts best! Always love good close up photos of nature though.
    Missed you last week, hope you have another great week x

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like them!

      Aww that's kind, thank you :) x

  8. Squirrels do it for me too, though I do think the boats are so restful.


Your lovely comments are much appreciated x